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Kim Greene's Guide to Department Heading 9/12 & 9/13

Tue, Sep 12


Zoom 9/12 & 9/13

Sold out! To be put on cancellation list email

Time & Location

Sep 12, 2023, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM PDT

Zoom 9/12 & 9/13


About the event

Kim Greene's Guide to Department Heading  2 Day Course: Sept 12th and Sept 13th.  9am - 3pm both days (PST)

(click "Read More" for full details)

For: -The Makeup or Hair artist who is Dept Heading and wants to learn my concise, comprehensive system or wants a refresher course.

-The Artist who is ready to move up in their career to the Key or DH positions.

-The Artist who wants to become invaluable to their Department Head and Key, increasing their opportunity to be hired and re hired.

What you will learn in the course:

-How to Prep, Organize and Run a Department     

-Schedules, Breakdowns & Forms                                     

-Breaking down the Script & Continuity                        

-Designing a Character                                                       

-Flow Charts                                                                       

-Hiring and managing your staff

-The Job of the Key (1st assist)

-Determining Man Day Counts

-Distribution of Responsibility

-Budgeting and Purchasing 

-Safety and Work ethic responsibilities

-Working with Other Departments 

You will also receive:

- “Kim Greene’s Exclusive Prep Check List”

A complete checklist for prepping a show developed from almost 30 years of film making .

-Digital Workbook including Blank forms, face charts and other invaluable materials


-Kim Greene's Guide to Department Heading will take place on Zoom

-Participants must have a registered Zoom account

-Course workbook will be digitally sent to each participant who must print them out prior to day one of the course.

-Participants must be available for all parts of the program

Attendance is limited so you will need to pay in full to hold your place.

Cancellation policy: You must cancel in writing at Add full name, phone number and return email address. 

Please note: Full refund available if you cancel 7 days in advance. 

If you cancel less than 7 days in advance there will be a non refundable $100 charge. 


“This class is a game changer! I needed this class 20 years ago.”

- Michelle Garbin

"Kim’s class with thoughtful examples, real life scenarios, practice sessions and invaluable information. 

has left me feeling energized, prepared and much more informed about what it means to department head a project!”

-Amy Richardson

“It truly is a class for anyone, from Day Player to Department head. 

Whatever role you play or strive to play, it teaches you how to get things done thoroughly, efficiently and as a team.”

-Abigail Bradley

“Kim’s veteran knowledge and experience are invaluable. 

This class teaches problem solving, critical thinking and how to ask those detailed questions. 

Thank you Kim for lifting others up within our industry!”

-Cara Liedlich Ashman

“I have been waiting for so long to take a class like this...No Makeup or Hair School, Book or YouTube video teaches you the skills Kim teaches in this class.

It gives you the confidence & knowledge to actually succeed in the production world of film & tv.”

- Rochelle Dingman

"You gave me a really clear and concise understanding of the duties of a Dept Head, which has boosted my confidence in this role dramatically. 

What I learned from you in invaluable.”

-Emma Croft

I love your stories and lessons. You’re so warm and inviting and funny. You make everyone feel welcomed, no matter their experience level!”

-Kaila Borne

“It’s one of the BEST courses I have ever taken…it is INCREDIBLE.”

-Melissa Street

Such a beyond AMAZING experience with the biggest mentor/sweetheart ever, Kim Greene!! I will be forever grateful for this experience.”

-Kelly Torres

“Kim Greene’s course is like nothing else out there. I’m so grateful I've had this opportunity!”

-Kristin Andersson


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